
Team Sullivan

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Going to give this another try....

Well, it has taken me months to get this far with the blog process- only to discover that I have been this far once before - exactly 3 years ago... I feel like different person and I definitely have two very different children under my care! I am VERY blessed to be at home (hence - Domestic Engineer) with our two girls watching them grow up too fast and even sending the older one off to Kindergarten which has brought a bitter sweet mixture of confidence!

I was hesitant about starting this blog...fearing it would be yet another thing on my ever growing "to do" list. Or maybe I am way more humorous in my head than in written words. AND I also felt like I wanted all my "ducks in a row". Something that has evaded me in the past and doesn't look to hopeful for the future either! Then it struck me. What on earth do you really begin when you are fully ready with all your questions answered? A career, a marriage, having or adopting children, a relationship with God - certainly not. It's a journey....

So I will begin today with a bucket of grace and great expectations. My hope is that this blog might someday encourage and inspire someone else while giving me an outlet for all my random thoughts flowing about in my noggin. :-)

1 comment:

Philigry said...

hey there!
so happy you are blogging!